Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Anywhere, I know it, beyond this horizon, as your smile beckons me onmy spirit will run from the tides to embrace you, all I ask of my is more of what is past and done, in every eternal awakening of the ancient promise my sadness will be no more, all I ask of me is fortitude.

Anywhere, I know it, beyond this horizon, as your smile beckons me on
my spirit will run from the tides to embrace you, all I ask of my is fortitude.
no more of what is past and done, in every eternal awakening of the ancient
promise my sadness will be no more, all I ask of me is fortitude.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nine months...

No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his dead. Ecclesiastes 8:8

I know God took your life so soon for reasons that I don't understand, I know where you are is the most beautiful place to be, I know I can't have you back ever again, I know your are gone...forever, I know all this...but I miss you... my heart still aches for you, my whole life is so empty without you, all I have is a bunch of memories to hold on, hold on to your memories, my sweet Alvaro.

Friday, May 9, 2008

1 Thessalonians 4:16

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. (NIV)


Amor Eterno

Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos,
Que lloran en silencio por tu amor.
Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro
El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adios.
Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento,
Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer.
Prefiero estar dormida que despierta
De tanto que me duele que no estes.

Como quisiera, ay, que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca,
Y estar mirandolos.

Amor eterno, e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
Para seguir amandonos.

Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia,
Desde ése día hasta hoy, no soy feliz.
Y aunque tengo tranquila mi consciencia,
Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por tí.

Oscura soledad estoy viviendo,
La misma soledad de tu sepulcro.
Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo
El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco.

Como quisiera, ay, que tu vivieras,
Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran
cerrado nunca, y estar mirandolos.

Amor eterno, e inolvidable.
Tarde o temprano estaré contigo
para seguir amandonos.

Dear Dorito

Its still soo hard to accept that you're gone! I wish I knew how to accept it! I miss you soo much! Its soo weird to think that you're gone to think that you're gone from this earth. But we know that you're with our Heavenly Father in a better place. Alvaro you were soo full of life and such an amazing brother to me. I have sooooo many wonderful memories together always laughing and cracking jokes on the family. You always wanted to be a better person! And you were to your dying day the best brother I could have ever asked for. I will try to accept your passing to the best of my ability and I know truly that only God and help me come to terms with all of this. You are forever in my heart - even if sometimes its too painful to think of you. I carry you and your memories in my heart ALWAYS!

Last night I was listening to Amor Eterno by Rosio Durcal. I love that song but its a tough song to listen to bc I'm living that pain she sings about with your death.

I really wish that you could be here now but I know that not the Lord's will.

You are forever in my heart! Te extraño como a nunca nadie he extrañado!