Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bien Hermano,

Ebbene? ... N'andrò lontana,
come va l'eco della pia campana,
là, fra la neve bianca;
là, fra le nubi d'or;là, dov'è la speranza,
la speranzail rimpianto, il rimpianto, e il dolor!

desde que supe de tu partida, no pasa un dia sin que mis lagrimas enfrien mi rostro en su recorrido. sin embargo, estoy contento porque se que descansas donde el sufriento ya no levanta su vuelo.
te quiere siempre tu hermano.


Saturday, September 29, 2007


Oye Pintor!

Buenos dias....Con el pintor por favor? Confirmando que usted es el pintor?

I miss you bro, I wouldn't even know where to begin to write about you. So many good times, sad times, hard times, and all that other jazz. Anyhow, I am watching this right now, thinking about you in class with Mr. Iwassasour looking at us like complete weirdos shouting "PINTOR" every time he flipped a power point slide.

Here's the vid for those that are not familiar with el "pintor."

Friday, September 28, 2007

To my loving brother AL

Varo, I love you and miss you so much. Words can not express all the emotions I feel for you. Have a wonder Birthday with your creator and with apostle John. It is so amazing to think that you already know all of them. We miss you so much..............We all love you and will remember you forever. Freddy will keep his golf shoes in remembrance of all the memories that he has of you. I can stop looking at your pictures and see how a life you look there. I'm so happy the Lord gave me the opportunity to always be there for you and I know you know how much I love you.

Happy Birthday baby brother..........

love Johana

Happy Birthday Al

Hoy es tu cumpleaños, Happy Birthday.

Today is a very special day here on Earth and in Heaven. Thirty three years ago in Guatemala, a great woman was giving birth to you Alvaro. Eric ask me were we will sending you the presents. He is very excited about the balloons, he picked them yellow. I don't know if you'll see them, I hope so. We're releasing them in the sky; it'll will give us the sense of reaching you, and that's what we be close to you.
We love you Alvaro and forever will...

Gina, Adri and Eric

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My love

Alvaro my love,

This blog is dedicated to you. I am extremely sad to come here and write things about you, but I wanted in some way to get started and the best way is to say that I love you and I always will. Me and the kids miss you every second of the day, there is no words that can explain your I hope all your family and friends can come here and feel free to express you the love and respect you deserve. I'll love you forever....