Tuesday, October 30, 2007

World Cup 2014

"Brazil, which has won the World Cup a record five times, is chosen to host the event in 2014..."

I just read this and thought of you, Varito! You would be excited about these news! I'm sure you'd dream of going there for World Cup. I remember for USA World Cup we went to a game in Miami. You loved it. I'm sure you were living your dream through all those players. I miss you!

Perhaps I can there in your memory!

Love you always!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My b-day without you

Como te extrano....veo tu foto en mi sala y no puedo creer que dejaste este cuerpo mortal....pero se que vives en el Espiritu........recibi un arreglo de flores my lindo en toronto.....pero quebranto mi ser de dolor al ver que la targeta tenia todos los nombres menos el tuyo........fue una realidad my dolorosa en confrontarme con la realidad de que estamos separados fisicamente.............pero se que Dios tiene un plan y proposito en todo aunque quizas nunca lo entendamos y la esperanza de volvernos a encontrar algun dia......

Todos te amanos y te extrananos mucho!!!

la murruca dedos chatos......(Johana)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Abismal es el lamento de tu partida
dime cielo si tu indigo viste el eco de tu
nueva voz, y no dejes que la sombra de
agosto invada el frajil refugio de mi
esperanza que aguarda el llamado de
nuestro nuevo despertar

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our Magazine - 240SX MAGAZINE

This will be the cover, just like we planned. I love this shot... So close, man...So close...

God willing, I will continue to fight hard to get this to print. I won't give up until I see this at the Publix, Kroger, Barnes & Noble magazine racks. Going to NOPI this year with out you was so hard bro... Anyhow, I hope you get to read it in Heaven. I have your "Bargain bin" article ready for when this happens, it will be in there just like we planned.

Even though you are gone, we still a team.

I was listening to P-Diddy, and never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined I would be posting on a blog about your life. Anyhow, it sums up how I feel, so I will quote it below.

Its kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again
In my heart is where I'll keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts big I just can't define (can't define)
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Us in the M3, shop for new clothes and kicks
You and me taking flicks
Makin hits, stages they receive you on
I still cant believe you're gone (can't believe you're gone)
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living youre life, after death

Gina says "No picture!"

Here you are trying to get Gina to let me take her picture. I have a sequence of shots here, and we finally did get her picture. Good work, bro. Oh yeah, there are some of you holding the Piñata ha-ha!

I saw an R32 today, had some sweet BBS wheels, all blacked out, nice lip on the wheels...Definitely sweet. Which reminds me, remember taking that GLi out for a drive over at Bill Heard? That was fun, we should have done that more often. What could be sweeter than test driving cars for free? ;)
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USA vs Mexico

Alvaro and Mike watching the U.S. vs Mexico Futbol match.

This is right before USA scores to tie the game 1-1...You couldn't wait to call Freddie (MX) to rub it in ha-ha. That was a good game, and it was nice to see the U.S. win, yet again. I should probably get some rest now. Oh yeah, I found some pics of your old Vdub, I'll upload them later. I'm trying to find the one of you holding up the 240SX Magazine banner at NOPI, but I can't seem to find it.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

This is from the Wally Opera that Harold referenced earlier.

I'm going to try to find it in Spanish.

Well then? I'll go far away,
as goes the echo from the pious bell
there, amid the white snow;
there, amid the golden clouds;
there, where hope is, hope,
regret, regret, and sorrow!

O my mother's joyous house,
Wally will go away from you,
from you so far away
and perhaps to you, perhaps to you
never she will return,
nor you will see her again!
nevermore, nevermore!

I'll go alone and far away,
as is the echo of the pious bell,
there, amid the white snow;
I'll go, I'll go alone and far away!
and amid the golden clouds!

'Tis well! my way lies yonder!
I hear afar the snowy mountains calling;
Forth to their heights I wander,
Forth to the sunset glow;
'Tis they shall calm the sorrow, calm the sorrow,
This heart alone, this heart alone may know.

Oh! peaceful cottage,
Dear home of my childhood,
The mountains are calling me!
Alas! I now must leave thee!
And nevermore,
And nevermore shall mine eyes fondly behold thee!
Home that I love so dearly.
Farewell! farewell!

'Tis well! my way lies yonder;
I can hear the snowy mountains calling;
Forth to their heights I wander;
Farewell! farewell! home of my childhood!
Farewell for evermore!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Que increible que ya no estes. Estan doloroso leer todos estos bloques, parece mentira que ya no estes entre nosotros. Pero tu recuerdo y todo tu amor permanese vivo en nosotros. Te extrano mucho pero se que estas en el ceno de nuestro Padre Celestial y eres feliz con el. Eso me llena de paz y gozo que puedo estar tranquila sabiendo que algun dia todos estaremos juntos y nunca mas nos separaremos.

Te amo mucho

tu hermana Joha

Monday, October 1, 2007

Amado e inolvidable hijo

(This was posted as a comment, but I thought it should be reposted in the blog)

Amado e inolvidable hijo: queremos decirte gracias,gracias,gracias mil veces gracias por este maravilloso legado que nos dejaste de amor,de humildad,y de sonrisas.
Gracias por esas palabras que nos expresabas cuando estabas vivo: te amo mucho papá ,papá tu eres un hombre trabajador ,te quiero mucho viejito lindo, mamá te admiro mucho ,mamá eres una gran mujer de fé ,mamá sería el día más feliz de mi vida llegar con Gina,Adriana y Eric de sorpresa a la panadería ,viejita linda te quiero mucho ,tu abuela Esther te dice gracias por que antes de morir le escribiste y le mandaste unos regalos .
Hijo amado queremos que sepas que Gina continuará siendo nuestra Hija como tú lo decidiste cuando estabas vivo, ya que siempre nos decías que pareciamos más tus suegros que tus padres.Gracias por ese amor que le expresaste a tu hija Adrianita por medio de una tarjeta antes de tu partida ,gracias por ese cumpleaños que le celebraste a Eric en grande,gracias por ese amor inconmensurable que le expresaste a Gina minuto a minuto,gracias por ese amor grande que le tenías a tus hermanos,cuñados(Jovanka y freddy) y sobrinos,gracias por esa vida que diste a las personas que recibierón tus órganos ,gracias por ese testimonio que dejaste en tus trabajos y a tus hermanos de la Iglesia a tus vecinos tanto en Miami como en Atlanta,gracias por ser un gran héroe ganando la batalla que te dió la entrada al cielo .
con amor infinito,
tus padres Alvaro y Olga


I miss you very much! I almost wish that I wasn't writing this, but how could I not? I wish that instead I could be here in Atlanta having fun with you. Reminiscing all the good times and the stories we always shared. Laughing and laughing so much at the stories of dad's "destruyanlo todo!", Joha's "cara de torta", Harold's "melcocha" and of course you calling me "bubble lips or labios de burbuja". It is painful to lose you. To think that you are gone is almost too painful to bare. But despite the pain that I have in my heart, I KNOW that you are in a better place, you are resting with our heavenly Father and Creator. I don't understand the complexity of this all. All I can say is that God is in control.

Varo, you will never be forgottoned! You were a great brother to me. We had so many great times together that are forever engraved in my heart. Childhood memories of when we used to play baby bear and mama bear (of course you were the baby so that I could pamper you even though you were twice my height!) and American gladiator among so many others. You were always great to me! I wish you were still here but I know that I have to let you go and rest in peace.

Varo, I see you smiling at me when I close my eyes and I hear your loving voice in my heart. I will love you forever. And one day we shall join you in and suffer no more.
